Friday, January 30, 2009

Les Miserables - update

We finished reviewing all of the scenes last night (Thursday), and are now ready for a run through on Sunday afternoon - or, as I call it on the rehearsal schedule, a stumble thru. The cast has worked hard to learn their blocking, develop a character - or characters in the case of the ensemble - and now simply needs to finish memorizing their lyrics and gain the confidence to do it right on the first try.

We worked for 30 minutes on the death of Javert last night - Drew Anderson (Javert) is going to fall off the back of the bridge for his character's suicide, and seven men assist in "catching" him as he falls. We thought we could do it with just five men, but we're using two spotters to help with any problems. I think it will make Drew feel safer and we need to keep all actors confident in their performance.

The crew is working very hard on a wonderful set. MCT was not allowed to use a turntable for the show - well, we could have applied to use one if they approved our design but we decided not to use this option. As a result, Eric Beeck has come up with a very imaginative design for the show. We took pictures for the Midland Reporter-Telegram last night in front of the barricades, and I think the set is going to work out great. Stay tuned to see how the crew works on making all of the changes in preparation for opening night.

Update on Monday regarding the Sunday run through...

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