Wednesday, May 13, 2009

What's Up?

Sorry for the lack of updates recently - it was easier to provide information as the director of a production (i.e. Les Miserables). As producer, I am less involved in the day-to-day rehearsals of recent or current MCT shows, so I have less "backstage" information that this blog was intended to provide. However, I want to keep you updated on the news at MCT.

On Monday night, I attended the first dress rehearsal for KNOCK KNOCK!, which was the winner of the 2008 McLaren competition. During my 12 years in Midland, we have been pleased to support original works by conducting the annual competition for comedy plays, and by producing winners (or finalists) in future seasons. Director Tracy Alexander and her cast have worked hard on this comedy, and it's shaping up to be a good one. Intern Josh Cooney has designed the scenery, and he's done good work in capturing the necessary space for these events to take place in the confines of our smaller theatre (Mabee Theatre II). The playwright will be in Midland this weekend to attend the final dress rehearsal along with opening night and the Legacy Society reception on Saturday night. If you have not made reservations, contact the Box Office for ticket - (432) 570-4111 or visit the MCT website. KNOCK KNOCK runs May 15 through June 6.

Summer Mummers is in full swing for rehearsals - the melodrama and olio are hard at work at the Cole Theatre, and load-in will take place on Saturday, May 16th starting at 8 a.m. for the SM set at the Yucca Theatre. Starting on Monday, May 18th, the cast and crew will move down to the Yucca Theatre to get ready for their opening on Friday, June 12, 2009. Single tickets go on sale on Wednesday, May 27th - visit the SM website for more information.

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