Monday, June 28, 2010

AACT 2010 International Wrap-up

I just returned from the 2010 AACT International theatre festival that was hosted by the Venice Theatre in Venice, Florida. There were 12 shows at the festival, including 9 from abroad (three were fill-ins from within the USA for groups that could not show up at the last minute). The Venice Theatre should be congratulated for hosting a wonderful week of international theatre. Their staff and volunteers worked very hard to make this event happen, and the AACT has actually awarded the 2014 International festival to Venice for a return engagement. Highlights for me during the week included the amazing Brazillian production with puppets, the creative dance and movement production from Australia and the visual feast of of music videos from Denmark. The festival highlighted that our definitions of "theatre" might differ from country to country, but the ability to entertain, engage, challenge and fascinate is not limited by language. It was a good week of wonderful theatre!

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