Wednesday, February 18, 2009

Les Miserables - First Weekend

Now that opening weekend has been completed, the cast can finally get some rest. Musicals are especially tough on the cast because of the demands of singing for 10-12 days in a row (tech rehearsals followed by dress rehearsals followed by opening weekend without a day off). Due to the intense vocal demands of this particular show, we have decided to limit ourselves to a maximum of three shows in a weekend. Therefore, this upcoming weekend will include shows on Thursday, Friday and Saturday night, and the next weekend will be Friday and Saturday night and Sunday afternoon. It will be very interesting to see how the cast responds after some time off. I think that some people will actually improve with vocal rest and the confidence of opening weekend knowing that we have a good show.

The Box Office has been busy this week - the word of mouth is spreading. However, we need to keep "pushing" the show through the media and trying to fill all the remaining performances. Overall, I think that the cast, crew, staff and audience members all walked away from last weekend on a positive note. Thus, we want to keep the ball rolling this upcoming weekend.

On a personal note, I got through the surgery on my knee just fine. The recovery will be shorter than expected, but I can expect more problems down the road with my left knee. Joy!

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