Friday, February 6, 2009

Les Miserables - Working for the weekend

We started technical rehearsals last night (Thursday). For this show, we're doing it a little different than past opening musicals. On Thursday night, the cast went back downstairs and ran Act One with Charles while I was working with the tech crew on all of the tech moves for scenery in the show. Around 8:30 p.m., the cast moved upstairs and we worked cue-to-cue on the scenic moves - reviewing when actors were moving pieces, when technicians were moving pieces, where pieces should be placed, etc. Rehearsal ended last night at 10:40 p.m. - later than I would have liked to have a non-dress rehearsal end but earlier than I thought it might end due to the length of Act One in Les Miserables. Tonight, we will work on Act Two with the same plan. However, it should be a little easier as Act Two is shorter than Act One.

This weekend is tech weekend - a long weekend for eveyone involved in the show. We will be working on some technical elements on Saturday morning, and then actors will come in around Noon to put on wireless microphones. We'll run the show starting at 1 p.m. with lots of stopping for light cues, sound issues, set changes and prop issues - no costumes until Monday night. The Saturday afternoon tech is draining on everyone involved but it must be done in order for the show to move forward. On Sunday afternoon/evening, we'll run it again, and be ready to add costumes on Monday night.

While the show is getting ready to open, there are lots of other people getting ready for our new season. The Box Office is busing selling 2009 memberships along with tickets to Les Miserables. Marketing is preparing the Prompter - our program - and the first one of the year is the hardest with all the new ads and all of the information for the opening musical (cast bios, musical numbers, letters, etc.). We're also cleaning the theatre and dressing rooms and getting ready to open the theatre to our patrons on February 13th for the opening of the show.

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