Tuesday, January 18, 2011

Oklahoma Rehearsals

OKLAHOMA rehearsals have continued over the past week - we are working six days a week to get ready for our opening on Friday, February 5, 2011. The cast has been working hard on the songs, dances and scenes, and we're starting to transition from the "learning" process into the "performing" process by getting off-book (lines memorized) and working on more character interactions.

On Sunday night, Jessi and Cameron Willmann - Jessi is playing Ado Annie - hosted the cast for a party after the rehearsal and it was a great chance to meet and talk outside of rehearsals. There are lots of new people in the show, and it was a great chance for people to meet and learn more about each other. Part of the joy of community theatre is the family atmosphere that exists within each cast. When you work together for 5-6 weeks and then perform together for several weekends, it has a bonding experience for the whole group. I've been really pleased with how the veterans have mixed with the newcomers in our 2011 opening musical.

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